Exchange rate for today
Exchange rates are received from the Central Bank API
1 GBP = 114.0734 RUB
1 EUR = 94.0834 RUB
1 USD = 90.4268 RUB
Random Cat picture
Cat pictures are received from the Cat API
Generate similar cat pictures using AI
To generate similar cat pictures OpenAI API is used.
Please note, image generation is a complicated task that requires time. So, be patient. It may take around 10-20 seconds.
Generate a short story using AI
To continue your story an outstanding AI language model called Balaboba is used. However, as the language model was originally developed for the Russian language, its results in English may be less impressive.
Try it! Write a couple of words and wait a little bit.
Movie Search
Search by movie title is performed using the Open Movie Database API
Only top 20 search results are displayed to optimize response times.